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hw:zelio [2020/09/28 23:23] pkubanekhw:zelio [2020/09/28 23:30] (current) pkubanek
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 The program is designed for a clamshell type roof with two moving halves, four end-of-path sensors and two motors. If your needs are different, The program is designed for a clamshell type roof with two moving halves, four end-of-path sensors and two motors. If your needs are different,
-please either help yourself or contact Petr Kubanek with questions. The PLC is assumed to have an Ethernet modbus output module attached - [[|SR3NET01BD]] for PC-PLC communication. Please see description of registers at the end of the page.+please either help yourself or contact Petr Kubanek with questions. The PLC is assumed to have an Ethernet modbus output module attached - [[|SR3NET01BD]] for PC-PLC communication. Please see description of registers at the end of the page.
 There is a picture of front panel. In our experience, nothing beats hardware switches when it comes to reliably blocking roof opening by staff, including not-so-computer maniacs. The cost of the switches, cables and box was about 1000 ZAR ~ 95 EUR, and the electronics inside (Zelio, ..) was about 500 EUR. There is a picture of front panel. In our experience, nothing beats hardware switches when it comes to reliably blocking roof opening by staff, including not-so-computer maniacs. The cost of the switches, cables and box was about 1000 ZAR ~ 95 EUR, and the electronics inside (Zelio, ..) was about 500 EUR.
hw/zelio.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/28 23:30 by pkubanek