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howto:processing [2009/06/25 07:14] pkubanekhowto:processing [Unknown date] (current) – external edit (Unknown date)
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 Please note that: Please note that:
   * if you would like to reprocess image(s), just move them to queue directory. On rightly configured system they will processed by //IMGprocessor// on morning   * if you would like to reprocess image(s), just move them to queue directory. On rightly configured system they will processed by //IMGprocessor// on morning
-  * //IMGproc// prevents system overloading from running plate solving and processing for multiple images (if processing time will be greater then image acquisition time, system can be congested with multiple  +  * //IMGproc// prevents system overloading from running plate solving and processing for multiple images (if processing time will be greater then image acquisition time, system can be congested with multiple processing scripts running) 
-  * if you would like to process two or more images paralleled, just start more //rts2-imgproc// with different names specified with -d argument. It should work..+  * if you would like to process two or more images in parallel, just start more //rts2-imgproc// with different names specified with -d argument. It should work..
   * standard output of past/jibero package is to print out coordinates which will be understood by **RTS2**. You are welcome to customize your plate solving script to produce this output, or change output parsing (sscanf) method processLine in //rts2/src/plan/connimgprocess.cpp//:   * standard output of past/jibero package is to print out coordinates which will be understood by **RTS2**. You are welcome to customize your plate solving script to produce this output, or change output parsing (sscanf) method processLine in //rts2/src/plan/connimgprocess.cpp//:
howto/processing.1245906875.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/06/25 00:00 (external edit)